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Field Trip for Children, Amsterdam, 24 november 2018
24 november 2018
€85Onlangs zijn wij in contact gekomen met Marion Franc. Zij organiseert activiteiten, field trips, voor kinderen, in het Engels. Marion is bijzonder begaafd en duikt zelf, ter voorbereiding op een field trip, volledig in het onderwerp, waarna zij in het weekend op pad gaat met de kinderen die bij haar zijn aangemeld. Meestal bestaat een field trip uit een presentatie, gevolgd door een bezoek aan een museum, het concertgebouw, o.i.d.
Marion spreekt vloeiend Engels en Frans en heeft haar eerstvolgende field trip aangepast voor Nederlandstalige kinderen die goed zijn in Engels. Zo kunnen zij hun Engels verder oefenen en zich tegelijkertijd verdiepen in een specifiek onderwerp, dit keer de Oude Grieken.
Op zaterdag 24 november gaat Marion de hele middag op pad om zich samen met de kinderen die meedoen, onder te dompelen in dit onderwerp.
What is it?
In working with parents and children, I realized that my work is not only with children, but also to offer parents a break. Inspired by my vivid curiosity in a variety of areas, and passion for sharing my knowledge with children, I have designed a service to help broaden their horizons. These workshops are designed with the intent that inquisitive and curious children can benefit from a special opportunity to meet other similarly passionate peers to relate with, and to forge new positive experiences of being with others.
What will your child get from attending?
Your child will discover a topic that he may not be aware of yet, and which may ignite an interest, nourishing his perspectives and understanding of the world. Being part of a community of peers of their age category and equally eager to learn will make the experience of visiting a museum or reflecting on questions a joyful and enjoyable moment. This can also help children who may have few experiences of satisfactory friendships gain confidence in their ability to be with others, and enjoy being with fellow companions. During our time together, the children will have the opportunity to interact in a peaceful and respectful environment, allowing each of them to speak up and have their voice heard in the group.
Is it for your child?
These workshops are most useful for children between age 8 and 11. Your child should be able to concentrate and enjoy reflecting as the purpose of these workshops is to enrich their understanding of the world’s topics, and delve collectively into advanced subjects. An ability to behave appropriately and to respect the group dynamics is also required.
Why do we still speak of the Greek civilization, more than five thousand years after it appeared?
What are the origins of the Greek empire, why did it emerge as the main power at that time? How did people live in Athens, why did they believe in multiple Gods and Goddesses? These are some of the questions we will be exploring during our next Field-Trip devoted to Ancient Greece. We will focus more precisely on the emergence of the Greek empire, the innovation it brought about in terms of politics, architecture, philosophy. We will explore the Greek Pantheon and some of the main founding myths of this civilization.
A visit to the Amsterdam Allard Pierson museum will illustrate the topic, and I will lead the group in an exploration of the collection to make tangible the notions discussed previously. Back indoors, the children will work on a topic selected by the group.
When is it?
Saturday, November 24th, from 12.30pm to 5.30pm
Where is it?
OBA Library, Roelof Hartplein 430, 1071 TT Amsterdam
What language will be spoken?
English – with the language level adapted to children who are not native English speakers, but can understand well this language. I will adjust my pace, use of words during the presentation, and children will have space to ask any question they may have.
Note: There is another Field Trip for native English speakers, or children who can speak English fluently, taking place every other month.
How much is it?
Introductory Price:
85 Euros, museum/tram tickets & snack included
75 Euros, for two or more children from the same family
How do I register?
By sending an e-mail to Marion Franc
The full pre-reservation will be asked if you are interested in participating. Your transfer will be returned to you provided that you cancel 5 days prior to the day of the event, as the group will be limited to 6 children.
To find out more about our past Field-Trips and updates regarding the upcoming ones, you can visit our Facebook page